
Delimara Power Station – Stabilisation of exposed rock face

Posted February 23rd, 2018 in Drilling, Projects by Rodney Xerri

Terracore Ltd was commissioned by Enemalta to provide a stabilisation solution of the rock face at the Delimara Power Station

The work included
– the drilling and installation of rock bolts
– supply and apply mesh with spacers
– apply of shotcrete
– rockfall mesh

Metropolis Plaza in Gzira

Posted December 4th, 2012 in Drilling, Site-Investigation by Rodney Xerri

Terracore Ltd was entrusted to carry out the geotechnical investigation to provide the architects with the information required for the foundation 


Cirkewwa Terminal – Quality Control and Assurance

Posted July 15th, 2011 in Projects, Quality Control by Rodney Xerri

Through the award of the tender for project management services for the Cirkewwa Passenger Ferry Terminal, Terracore undertook the contract administration of one of the most identifiable national projects in progress at the moment, directly funded by European Cohesion Funds.  

Works commenced in earnest in March 2011 and are expected to finish at the end of 2012. With an estimated cost of Euro 10.4million excluding VAT, this project  tests Terracore’s ability to manage and deliver the project on budget, in time, safely and according to the projects’ technical specifications.

In their role as Supervisor, Terracore are engaged in applying a stringent Quality Control and Assurance regime, through spot laboratory testing and thorough site checks to ensure that the quality of utilised materials and workmanship are as expected.

Works are divided into a number of package contracts covering:

  • Works for Temporary passenger accommodation
  • Dredging of seabed next to Berth No. 3 to accommodate vessels;
  • Construction of Terminal Building, ancillary buildings and all external works including the construction of a terminal building on pile foundations; infrastructure and all utility services, refurbishment works to the South Quay and construction of a new passenger shelter constructed nearby
  • M&E services to buildings and all external areas; vertical transportation; photovoltaic and wind turbine renewable energy generation systems;
  • Finishes to buildings internally and externally and all external areas;
  • Construction of ship-to-shore Link-span and other miscellaneous items.
  • Testing of piles using the SIMBAT Method

The project incorporates earthworks, piling works, concrete and masonry construction, steel construction, building finishes, HVAC and utility services together with road works and landscaping.

The terminal building itself shall consist of a passenger holding area for circa 800 passengers. This holding area shall be connected to the elevated walkway by means of escalators, stairs and lifts. Moreover, the technical characteristics of the Cirkewwa port facility will be extended with the addition of Berth number 3 to supplement Berths 1 and 2. In addition, improvements to the unprotected South Quay Berth should make use of this berth safer and more amenable.

Around 2,000,000 passengers and 1,000,000 vehicles cross back and forth from Malta to Gozo per annum.

Throughout the duration of the project, Terracore continuously liaise with the various appointed consultants, including the project architects and civil engineers, the mechanical and electrical works consultants, the linkspan consultants and other consultants in the tendering and contracting of works and services, successful and timely implementation of the project works and activities, and project closure.

Terracore Ltd awarded the Cirkewwa Passenger Terminal Project Management Tender

Posted February 14th, 2011 in Projects, Quality Control by Rodney Xerri

Transport Malta awarded Terracore Ltd the ‘Service tender for the provision of Project Management services for the Cirkewwa Passenger Ferry Terminal Project’. Terracore Ltd will be responsible for the Project Management during the building if the new Passenger Terminal in Cirkewwa.  Responsibilities include:

  • Health and safety services.
  • Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works
  • Construction-site supervision services
  • Construction management services
  • Construction project management services
  • Quality Control and Quality Assurance

SmartCity Malta Project

Posted February 10th, 2011 in Drilling, Environmental, Monitoring, News, Projects, Quality Control, Site-Investigation by Rodney Xerri

“SmartCity Malta will create the ideal infrastructure, support systems, environment and lifestyle for ICT and the people working in the industry” says Fareed Abdulrahman, Executive Director of the SmartCity brand worldwide.  Smart City Malta, a technology park currently under development in Kalkara, estimated to cost around 275 million euro, will cover an area of 360,000 square metres.  The project was unveiled in September 2007, with the first offices opening in 2010.

During this first phase of the project Terracore was responsible for the Quality Assurance and Quality Control of the Site Wide Grading (ongoing), Infrastructure Phases 1A and 1B (Phase 1B ongoing) and Roads & Landscaping tenders.

The underground culvert network built in Phase 1 forms part of a larger infrastructure programme aimed at supporting more than 103,000m2 of office space, a variety of world-class apartments and villas and vast commercial outlets including four and five-star hotels.   The whole infrastructure works are spread over an area of 360,000 m2, one third of which is open green space landscaped with local vegetation.   The purpose of the culvert is to house the potable water network, fire and irrigation network, 11kV cable and other utilities in an easily accessible structure.


Principal activities performed by Terracore included the:

Testing of soil and rock

Earthwork compaction compliance testing

Monitoring and reporting on concrete trial mixes

Inspection of formwork and steelwork before concreting

Sampling and testing of concrete constituents at trial mix stage, including the testing of aggregates, water and cement

Monitoring and reporting of asphalt production and quality control of asphalt supplied and placed during the works

Inspection of aggregate sub-base layers and asphalt layers forming part of the road build up

Sampling and testing of asphalt mix constituents and of the formed asphalt

Progress testing of concrete and its constituents

Performing inspections to verify compliance with documented instructions, drawings, procedures, and specifications as required by the contract

Reporting and material submissions

Handing-over documentation


Local contractors were responsible for the supply and placement of ready mixed concrete in the grades C25 and C40, during the Infrastructure Phase 1A and Landscaping tender works.  T10, T12, T16 and T20 steel bars and various steel meshes were used as steel reinforcement in the culvert, large manholes, ducting chambers and retaining wall construction.  Performing concrete trial mixes, testing aggregates and water samples proposed for concrete production, obtaining certification for the admixtures and reinforcing steel were all tasks of the QA and QC team.  This was to ensure that the specified materials meet the design and quality requirements as defined. Progress testing of concrete and its constituents were then performed at an agreed frequency during the whole concrete production period, to ascertain quality control of the construction.  Daily inspections on steelwork and concrete production were performed to verify compliance with documented instructions, drawings, procedures, and specifications as required by the contract.  All inspections were documented and presented to the consultant engineer.

Various earthwork classification and compliance testing was done on the backfill material below the concrete blinding layers and the aggregate sub-base laid in the car park area to ensure that adequate compaction was achieved prior to the laying of concrete or paving blocks.  Compliance testing comprised of Sand Replacement tests, Plate Bearing tests, and Dynamic Plate Load tests.  Classification testing involved various aggregate laboratory tests, followed by the proper assessment of test results by reviewing control testing for compliance with contract requirements.

Road works for this first phase of the project kicked off on September 2010 and were completed in October 2010, consisting of an 800m stretch of construction.  The road build up for the asphalted areas consisted of two layers of Type 1 material not thicker than 150mm each, 120mm thick base course, 80mm thick binder course and 40mm wearing course.     Compaction testing on the sub-base layers was a crucial aspect in ascertaining quality in the road construction.  Inspections by the QA team were carried out together with the consulting engineer on all road build up layers checking issues such as surface regularity and compaction and identifying if any corrective action needs to be taken.  Monitoring and reporting of asphalt production and quality control of asphalt supplied and placed during the works was done by the sampling and testing of fresh asphalt and bitumen.  Laboratory testing then determined the characteristic properties of the mix, while final compaction was calculated following the drilling of cores and the testing of plugs.

Geotechnical Investigation at Hal Ferh development

Posted February 7th, 2011 in Drilling, Projects, Site-Investigation by Rodney Xerri

Terracore Ltd was commission by Island Hotels Group to carry out a Geotechnical Investigation at the proposed Hal Ferh development. The scope was to provide information for the structural design of the proposed development and to base construction estimates on actual geotechnical findings.
The investigation included 27 boreholes for phase 1 and an additional 9 boreholes for Phase 2. All boreholes were between 15-20m and included continious core recovery and SPT’s.
Reporting included a geological description of the area and composition of the substrata and the load-bearing capacity.

Shotcrete and slope stabilisation at Power Station Extension, Delimara

Posted November 2nd, 2010 in Drilling, Projects by Rodney Xerri

Terracore Ltd was commision to carry out shotcreting works at the new Delimara power station extension.

City Gate Project, Valletta

Posted October 1st, 2010 in Drilling, Monitoring, News, Projects, Quality Control, Site-Investigation by Rodney Xerri

City Gate project is part of a national strategy that aims to revitalise Valletta, a UNESCO world heritage site and capital of the Maltese Islands. With the designs produced by the world renowned architect, Renzo Piano, this project is bound to be nothing but yet another page in the history of Valletta’s urban development.
It is thus only imaginable that such a prominent and large scale project should involve several entities. These entities work hand in hand to make sure that the project is successfully completed and the involvement of Terracore Ltd in Quality Assurance and Control will only strengthen these prospects.

With a professional QA team stationed on site, ongoing works are scrutinized and monitored daily. Works scheduled for the day are confirmed with the contractor’s project management team and later issued by our team to the client. Each and every ongoing work is inspected. Our team also verifies, and later certifies, that these works are being carried out according to architectural and structural drawings. Such works mainly include reinforcement, membranes and shuttering.
Using Terracore Ltd vast experience in concrete testing, our team is also responsible for analysing, testing and monitoring the concreting taking place throughout the project. Trial mixes, together with progressive aggregate and water testing are done to certify the quality of the concrete. All concrete used for each and every structural element in the project is subjected to slump tests and temperature readings. Cube samples are also taken and later crushed to provide a compressive strength result. This data is recorded and verified by Terracore Ltd in order to ascertain that the quality of the concrete is constant throughout the duration of the project.

With the progress of works, Terracore’s involvement in the project has not been limited to only QA and QC. Our company also executed other operations that include:

  • drilling;
  • rock bolting;
  • condition survey and investigations of the Old Opera House
  • daily movement monitoring of St Catherine of Italy Church, Yellow Garage Tunnel and St James bastions;
  • geothermal borehole drilling, installation and testing;
  • rock sampling, coring and trial pits.

All in all, one may easily conclude that City Gate Project has managed to create an ensemble of Terracore’s professional services.

Geothermal ground energy testing – City Gate, Valletta

Posted July 5th, 2010 in Drilling, Projects by Rodney Xerri

Terracore Ltd was selected to drill two boreholes, 140m deep, for the preliminary testing of the proposed geothermal cooling/heating system of the new Parliment building.