City Gate project is part of a national strategy that aims to revitalise Valletta, a UNESCO world heritage site and capital of the Maltese Islands. With the designs produced by the world renowned architect, Renzo Piano, this project is bound to be nothing but yet another page in the history of Valletta’s urban development.
It is thus only imaginable that such a prominent and large scale project should involve several entities. These entities work hand in hand to make sure that the project is successfully completed and the involvement of Terracore Ltd in Quality Assurance and Control will only strengthen these prospects.
With a professional QA team stationed on site, ongoing works are scrutinized and monitored daily. Works scheduled for the day are confirmed with the contractor’s project management team and later issued by our team to the client. Each and every ongoing work is inspected. Our team also verifies, and later certifies, that these works are being carried out according to architectural and structural drawings. Such works mainly include reinforcement, membranes and shuttering.
Using Terracore Ltd vast experience in concrete testing, our team is also responsible for analysing, testing and monitoring the concreting taking place throughout the project. Trial mixes, together with progressive aggregate and water testing are done to certify the quality of the concrete. All concrete used for each and every structural element in the project is subjected to slump tests and temperature readings. Cube samples are also taken and later crushed to provide a compressive strength result. This data is recorded and verified by Terracore Ltd in order to ascertain that the quality of the concrete is constant throughout the duration of the project.
With the progress of works, Terracore’s involvement in the project has not been limited to only QA and QC. Our company also executed other operations that include:
- drilling;
- rock bolting;
- condition survey and investigations of the Old Opera House
- daily movement monitoring of St Catherine of Italy Church, Yellow Garage Tunnel and St James bastions;
- geothermal borehole drilling, installation and testing;
- rock sampling, coring and trial pits.
All in all, one may easily conclude that City Gate Project has managed to create an ensemble of Terracore’s professional services.